Discovering Some Facts About Spider Veins

 Broken blood vessels are known as spider veins. They are usually visible just below the surface of your skin and can turn into discoloration like red, blue or purple. They could appear in clusters resembling tree branches or spider webs. Although they can occur anywhere on the body, they mostly appear on the face or legs.

Sometimes, people are unable to identify the symptoms of Spider veins. Let's have a look at some common symptoms of spider veins:-

  • Family History or Genetic History
  • Discomfort in Legs
  • Skin Color Changes into Red and Purple
  • Bleeding
  • Excessive weight
  • Not Following a Healthy Lifestyle


How Health Care Experts Diagnose Spider Veins

You may ask for the following exams during the journey of spider veins:-

  • Experts observe your vein's condition by using advanced medical equipment
  • They may ask you about family history and medical to determine the actual reason.
  • They can ask you to perform an ultrasound scan for briefing about the vein's condition.

What Are the Common Causes of Spider Veins?

Spider veins develop from the weakening and enlargement of tiny blood vessels beneath the skin's surface. Sometimes, it takes time to determine why this happens. Some common causes of spider veins are

  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Genetic disorders
  • Accident, injury, or trauma


After knowing about the symptoms and causes, many people searched the internet for what kind of doctor treats veins. It looks like it is one of the most difficult questions, but it is not. Healthcare professionals such as vascular specialists or phlebologists are experts in treating any veins-related disease. It is worth mentioning that you must choose the specialist after reading their online reviews. They have a certified license in venous insufficiency disease and completed training in the same field.


Do Spider Veins Come Back After Laser Treatment? Results from laser treatments are permanent. It cannot return if experts successfully remove the original vein and any connected veins. Chances that spider veins are likely to arise when new veins start emerging. This is a reason that healthcare experts can't guarantee spider veins. These veins are small in appearance and can change into blue or purple color.

When you notice that spider veins have started emerging again, speaking with expats is not the only solution. You must discuss with them the possible causes of the recurrence. They identify the whole scenario and recommend some suitable actions.


Risk Factors of Spider Veins

People may have a high risk for spider veins when they're dealing with the following conditions:-

  • Sit or stand for prolonged periods in one place, especially employees with a sitting or standing job.
  • Obesity or excessive weight
  • Pregnant women
  • Consume birth control pills
  • Spends efficient time in the sun
  • Smokers or just have quit smoking


Wrapping It Up

Hoping that the information mentioned above will help you to grasp your knowledge regarding spider vein treatment. Suppose you're confused about whom doctor to consult to discuss this issue. In that case, you can ask your family doctor, and they will suggest a vascular specialist or expert who is efficient in treating venous insufficiency. 


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